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调整画面大小和清晰度/Screen size and sharpness

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:04 pm
by laixi
⚡ 如何调整手机画面的大小和清晰度
⚡ Adjusting the size and sharpness of the cell phone screen

⚡ 在来喜PC端 点击 高级设置 即可调整 清晰度 FPS(流畅度) 显示尺寸
⚡ Click Advanced Settings on Laixi PC to adjust Sharpness FPS Display Size.

提示 高画质和高FPS会消耗更多的显卡或CPU资源.
Hints Higher graphics quality and higher FPS will consume more graphics card or CPU resources.
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