Some solutions to problems that may be encountered
输入密码时 手机黑屏 如何解决?
Black screen of the phone when entering the password
1.Turn off input protection : phone system settings input method settings secure keyboard / secure input
2.Turning off payment protection: cell phone system settings payment protection
3.安卓11+ 或 鸿蒙2 由于手机系统的安全限制,暂时没办法解决
3.Android 11+ No solution for now due to security limitations of the phone system
How to do text input?
1.手机->系统设置->输入法设置-> 切换输入法为 [Laixi KeyBoard] 来喜输入法
2.如果没有安装来喜APP,请在来喜的高级设置中,启用 自动安装手机端APP
Phone->System Settings->Input Method Settings-> Switch Input Method to [Laixi KeyBoard].
提示ADB冲突 | 怎么处理??
ADB Conflict | How to deal with it??
解决办法1:在任务管理器中查找 adb.exe 进程,全部结束.或重启电脑.
Solution 1: Find the adb.exe process in the task manager and end it all. Or restart the computer
Solution 2:Check if the following software is installed on your computer. Other software in the same category|Mobile Assistant|Android Emulator|
同类其他软件|手机助手|安卓模拟器|酷狗音乐|2345系列|360安全卫士 这些软件建议卸载,容易导致冲突
These programs are recommended to be uninstalled as they can cause conflicts.
I'm reinstalling my system, new computer, how do I back up my group numbering information??
1.备份我的文档laixi文件夹下的 laixi.db 文件.该文件存放分组,编号,备注信息.
1.Backup the laixi.db file in the My Document/laixi path. This file holds group, number, and note information..
2.Backup ADB license file.
路径 C:\用户\你的计算机用户名.android\ adbkey.pub 和 adbkey 这2个文件.
Path C:\User\Your computer username.android\ adbkey.pub and adbkey are the 2 files.
After reinstalling the system or on a new computer, follow the above path to restore.
装 WebView2 组件失败,或提示未安装 WebView2 组件
Installation of the WebView2 component fails, or the WebView2 component is not installed.
If you encounter this problem during the installation process, please try the following ways to solve it:
强行删除 *C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft* 该文件夹,然后尝试重新安装.
forcible deletion *C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft* ,Then try reinstalling.
If you can't delete it, please reboot your system and try to delete it.
下载WebView2/Download WebView2:https://developer.microsoft.com/zh-cn/m ... orm=MA13LH
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